?O Crux ave, spes unica?
The crucifix is perhaps the most largely presented emblem in religious art.
Browsing through our patrimonial reserves, Brother Paul-André Lavoie realised that we possessed several crucifixes and other representations of the cross and of Christ on the cross. He consulted others, asking, ?Would it be opportune to organise an exposition of various representations of the cross?? His advisors told him that this initiative would be very interesting.
With a few confrères, he quickly set about organising an exposition from our patrimonial riches and from some loans on the part of the confrères. A section of the Salle Champagnat presented one hundred and fifty objects on this subject. You have read correctly: one hundred and fifty objects!!!!
Notable relic of the real cross brought to Canada by the brothers of St-François-Régis when they arrived in the country
Paintings by various artists, one of whom is Dali
Crucifixes of various origins
Crosses in various materials
Crosses of various dimensions
Jesus in the position of being crucified, an unfinished work carried out by Brother Jérôme Legaré. He refused to make the arms, saying ?We are the arms of Christ. We are the hands of Christ.? In this sense, our arms and our hands are at the service of our brothers.
Several images representing crucifixes
A few richly illustrated volumes on the Crucified and the crucifix.
The exposition ?O Crux ave, spes unica? welcomed visitors during the whole month of November. Brother Laurent POTVIN