Oceania Council and College of Leaders Meetings
Meetings of the College of Leaders of Oceania and the Oceania Council were held online on 29th March 2021. In previous Executive Summarie, the creation of Committees to prepare for the new Province to commence in 2023 has been reported. A number of these groups have commenced operations and the details of the membership structures and activities are now being regularly reported in communications to the Brothers.
Related to this issue, a new Report outlining the transition from the current Oceania Structures to those of the new Province has been received. Aware of the complexity of this process an overall summary of progress to date – as it affects the Oceania Council -, has been sent to the communities. Two phases have been identified.
Design Phase: February 2021 to August 2021 – the New Province Executive and Committees have been convened.
- The new Province Design and local level planning and engagement process will be finalised by August and made available for feedback.
- Implementation Phase: it will commence in November 2021 and the processes leading up the new Province and the First Chapter on 8 December 2022 will take place.
The manner in which the existing Oceania networks will metamorphose into the new Province structures is being actively considered. These networks include:
- Marist Oceania Education Network
- Financial Administrators Network
- Oceania Partnership Commission
- Vocations and Initial Formation (Australia, Pacific, and Asia)
- Health and Aged Care
- Safeguarding and Professional Standards
- Brothers Today
- Solidarity
- Communications Working Group
At a later time, the present Oceania Council will shortly be phased out and be replaced by the New Province Implementation bodies.
In the meantime, other Oceania Activities are continuing.
Oceania Partnership Commission (OPC)
There has been preliminary planning by the OPC to continue with the organisation of a face-to-face formation Experience for Brothers and Lay Marists in the Oceania Region in 2021.
Education Network
The issue of the development of an efficient, effective and economical Education network across the present and future Province boundaries remains a priority.
The production of the Oceania Calendar is planned for 2022.