2016-09-12 AUSTRALIA

Oceania Council and College of Leaders

The Oceania Council and College of Leaders gathered from Aug. 14 – 16 close to Sydney, Australia, to discuss several initiatives including a new international community, an Oceania partnership and the New Models Project.

During the encounter, which took place at the Mount Carmel Retreat Centre in Varrovile, the Council was told that for the new Lavalla 200> International Community (Mount Druitt, Australia) has been named Rodrigo Gris Castro, Argelia Hernandez Mendoza – who are husband and wife – and Br Lawrence McCane. 

Initiatives for lay Marist formation that are being developed were discussed, including the making of a regional programme for lay Marist formation delivered locally by formators that will be created next year in Melanesia and the Pacific.

Talks covered also three initiatives regarding initial formation for Brothers, the establishment of a Brothers Today committee and an invitation for younger Brothers to gather to reflect on the future of the mission in region in January.

Finally, the Oceania Council established a think tank to develop proposals for the New Models project in the region in preparation for the meeting with the general council. 

The general council will meet in an extended session with the provincial and district councils of the Oceania region at Mittagong from Oct. 11 – 16


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