Oceania Council holds first meeting via videoconference
The Oceania Council and the Oceania College of Leaders met for the first time in a videoconference on Aug. 13 to continue developing its several initiatives that aim at answering the Calls of the XXII General Chapter.
The initiatives were discussed in their previous meeting in March in Auckland, New Zeland, and can be read in full on this link.
The initiatives are Lavalla200>, Education Network, Pacific Marist Schools Leaders Course – Part II, Financial Administration Network, Under 50s Brothers Gathering, Publications, Oceania Partnership Commission, Marist Learning Zone (MLZ).
After this first successful videoconference, the Oceania Council has also decided to hold a meeting using this technology at least once a year.
The Oceania region is made up of the Australia province and the Pacific and Melanesia districts. This includes 12 countries: Australia, Cambodia, East Timor, Fiji, Kiribati, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, American Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
Members of the Council who were able to participate were from New Zealand (Auckland and Christchurch), Australia (Sydney and Brisbane), Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea). Due to difficulties, which will be sorted for future meetings, a connection with Suva (Fiji) could not be established.