October 4th: Working on key themes
After completing the elections of the Superior and Vicar General, the Brother capitulants resumed their work on developing the key Chapter themes that will guide the Institute’s life and work during the next 8 years.
The day began with Eucharist celebrating the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. At 9:30 a.m. the Brothers gathered in the Chapter Hall when Br. Lindley, from the Facilitation Commission, reviewed the remainder of this week's program, made some notices, and introduced the work of the day.
As an introductory activity, the capitulants spent 15 minutes individually reading back over all the principles identified so far by the six thematic groups last Saturday, noting one’s feelings about the principles and checking whether they are consistent with the calls of the Chapter. Capitulants then shared their reflections at their table group.
The general feedback from the tables suggested that the process is working well. There is a general sense that the texts need to express much more clearly the newness of the calls that have been heard at this Chapter, and the principles capitulants know need be lived by all to facilitate the development of the Marist charism and the kind of future envisioned for the Institute. The current texts do not at present adequately express the “new beginning” that is desired by this Chapter. The texts need to pick up the passion that is very evident in the 32 calls. They also need to communicate the excitement that the Chapter participants feel about what God is calling the Institute to, hoping everyone associated with the Institute will also catch this excitement.
For the remainder of the day, each of the thematic groups continued the task of finalizing their statements, keeping in mind the feedback from the morning activity.