October 5, 2017
The General Chapter is entering the stage of defining more clearly the principles and suggestions for what needs to be done in responding to God’s calls to the global body of the Institute as it enters its third century. The six theme groups continued their writing work and presenting what has been produced so far. The Rule of Life document was approved as a separate but complimentary text with the Constitutions and Statutes.
Morning Prayer
Today's morning prayer was led by Br. Anselmo Kim. Recalling the ‘International Day of Non-Violence’ celebrated on 2nd October, he invited the Chapter community to pray for peace in the most critical areas of the planet, and for us to become channels of God’s peace. "God has called us to walk in peace …" (1Cor7:15).
Presentations from the working groups
Beginning last week, 5 groups have been steadily working on specific themes related to the calls identified during this Chapter: Life of the Brothers; Relationship between Brothers and laity; Structures of government; Finances of the Institute; The mission for the coming years.
Today, 4 groups presented to the Chapter assembly the results of the work done so far. There was also opportunity after each presentation to get a sounding from the assembly as to whether the work is heading in the right direction. The comments and suggestions made in the plenary proved helpful for further refining and simplifying the principles and suggestions.
Having listened to each group presentation, there are various key ideas that are common to all: Recognizing the Institute as a global body built on communion and solidarity; The richness of the gift of our vocation of brotherhood; The need to respond to the issues evident in our realities, such as being present to those who are on the peripheries, especially children and young people, and caring for the planet; Walking together as a charismatic family, as Marists, Brothers and lay people. This work will continue until Saturday.
A sixth group is working on writing the text of the General Chapter Message. This will include the texts being written by the other 5 groups. Today the group presented the structure of their document.
Rule of Life as a separate document distinct from the Constitutions
After the Marian prayer led by Priscilla Staniski and Laércio da Cruz from the Technology Team, Br. Josep Maria Soteras, together with Brothers Tony Clark and Eduardo Navarro, introduced for discussion and voting the proposal for the General Chapter to accept the text currently called "Rule of Life " as a document that will complement yet be separate from the Constitutions and Statutes.”
Capitulants were given time at their tables to discuss this proposal. In plenary, the representatives from each of the tables reported on how group members viewed the proposal, some making suggestions about alternative titles for the Rule of Life, and some posing questions about whether the Rule of Life has the same status as the Constitutions and Statutes that are the Proper Law of the Institute. A sounding was then taken, using the coloured cards. This indicated most wanted to accept having this so-called ‘Rule of Life’ as a separate yet complementary document to the Constitutions. A formal vote was then taken which confirmed an absolute majority in favour of the proposal.
The day ended with the celebration of the Eucharist.
In the photo of the news appear the translators of the General Chapter