Official opening of EIJM 2013
A colorful celebration with plenty of music dance and joy marked the official opening of the International Marist Youth (EIJM – 2013). It was held, on Wednesday (17/07), at Marist College Saint Jose – Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro / RJ. The event's theme is "Change: Make a difference!" The motto is taken from the World Youth Day, "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28, 19). The event brings together approximately 300 participants from 25 Marist provinces of the five continents, including more than 200 young people from 40 countries and guests from partner institutions.
Young people from Marist Africa, Asia, Europe, America and Oceania, were welcomed by the General Councilor of the Institute, Brother Ernesto Sánchez, on behalf of Br Emili the Superior General, and the Provincial of the Province Brazil Centro Norte ( PMBCN), Wellington S. Medeiros, who spoke on behalf of the Higher Council of the Marist Union of Brazil (UMBRASIL) and Marist Provinces of Rio Grande do Sul (PMRS) and Brazil Centro Sul (PMBCS) and Marist District Amazon (DMA .) "Our goal here, during these days, is to awaken and nurture our sense of change for a more just world," said Br. Wellington Medeiros. "Tonight the heart of Champagnat celebrates with the marist people coming from the 40 countries" added Brother Ernesto Sánchez.
At the opening session Marist internationality was present in the different cultural performances. The show "Dream of a Peasant" portrayed the story of the founder of the Marist Institute, Saint Marcellin Champagnat, from the French Revolution until the arrival of the first Marist Brothers in Brazil in 1897. To show the beauty of Brazil and the cultural diversity of the host country, different Brazilian dances were performed: of capoeira, frevo, carnival and Parintins folklore.
Several Brothers attended the opening session: brothers John Klein, Antonio Ramalho, Michael De Waas, general cpuncillors; Br. João do Prado director of the Secretariat of Mission; Br. Cesar Rojas, director of the Secretariat Brothers Today, the provincial of the Province Mediterranean Brother Antonio Giménez; Brother Claudino Falqueto. Leader of the local community; Mrs Shirlei Aparecida, director of the Institute of Solidarity (IMS), the director of the welcoming House, Alex Alves; the director of the Marist College Saint Joseph – Tijuca Edson Leite, and director of the Marist College – Barra Brother Pedro Melo Jadir.
There were representatives of the National Association of Catholic Schools (ANEC), of the State Council of Youth; of the Saint Martin Association, and Saint Joaquin Foundation, the Association of Marist Parents, the Board of the Alumni Association Brothers of Rio, the International Paper Group and from St. Francis Hospital.
The EIJM will be close on July 22. The meeting program includes panels, lectures, prayers, and visits to local communities and to Christ the Redeemer. Besides the participants EIJM, over a thousand young Marists are expected to WYD, between 23th to 28th July. During the day, will be welcoming the pilgrims.
Tent Vocational
During the breaks EIJM, young people are invited to participate in the Vocational Tent, mounted on the court College. The space was also officially opened on Wednesday (17/07), to provide young people, in an interactive way, the opportunity to understand the importance of being a vocations promoter.