2013-04-20 GENERAL HOUSE

On the way to the General Conference – 4

The next General Conference (L’Hermitage, 8-3-29 September 2013) is situated in a world, ecclesial and institutional context which it is advisable to consider :

50 years after Vatican Council II, we recognize the whole path of renewal traversed by the Institute. In the face of the « prophets of doom », we regard the world, the Church and ourselves with hope, trying to be « prophets of hope » in this situation of exile of ours.

class=imgshadow« The day is dawning » : the road to be travelled is still long, but we advance with patience and full of confidence in the future, for we recognize numerous signs of life :

Like the prophet in the midst of exile, we can repeat : « See, I am doing a new deed, even now it comes to light ; can you not see it ? (Is 43 : 19).

And also like the sentry, the watchman… who actively waits, we want to be « watchmen for the morning » (Novo Millennio Ineunte 9; Is 21 : 11).

The horizon of the Marist Bicentenaryoffers us a reference point with regard to the  ‘dream’ of Champagnat : « to awake the dawn » (Psalm 56). class=imgshadowWe have a rich heritage of two centuries, but we are thinking and dreaming of the years which will follow 200 years of Marist life and vitality.

« To awake the dawn » indicates an active attitude of engagement in the face of the great challenges which the last General Chapters have laid down for us and which could be grouped around the words « prophecy » and « mysticism ».

At this historic moment, we look to Mary, dawn of the new times, in whom we find the inspiration to discover the attitudes with which we must accomplish our service.

« It is necessary to force the dawn to come to birth, by believing in it » (Br Basilio).

Other contextswhich give light and hope to the General Conference :

* The new pontificate of Pope Francis
* The proximity of the close of the Year of Faith
* The next International Marist Mission Assembly (2014)

General Conference – September 2014 – Notre Dame de l'Hermitage, France
Subject and logo of the Conference |  Participants in the General Conference |  What is a General Conference?


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