Ongoing formation course “Looking Beyond” in Manziana
From January 19 to March 1, the second edition of the ongoing formation program “Looking Beyond” will be held in Manziana. The program is aimed at Brothers between the ages of 60 and 65. It objectives to support Brothers who are finishing a stage of their life in certain apostolates (school, academic or other) and entering the retirement phase, and are looking to the future to make themselves present and to be Marists in new fields of mission, according to their possibilities and age. This is a significant moment of transition in their lives that deserves attention and care from the Marist Institute. For this reason, the purpose of the meeting is to offer the brothers not only a space for reflection and vocational animation, but also tools for reflecting on the moment they are living and, in this way, to look further ahead to discover new apostolic possibilities.
This program will be attended by 22 brothers from the Institute’s various provinces, as well as the three coordinating brothers who are members of the Institute’s ongoing formation team: Michael Sexton, Xavi Barceló and Ataide Lima.
The first edition was held in June-July 2023.
The participants will be offered six workshops with different themes for reflection, prayer and personal discernment, as well as a pilgrimage to Assisi and a retreat at the end of the program. The content and dynamics planned aim to touch all areas of the brothers’ lives: human, psychological, spiritual, biblical and institutional.
Brothers participants
- Albert Nzabonaliba – Afrique Centre Est
- Alexandre Ramarosandratana – Madagascar
- Cesar Barba Gomez – District of Asia
- Chin Hon Man – East Asia
- Edmundo Baltazar Muro Samanamud – Santa Maria de los Andes
- Everaldo Francisco da Silva – Brasil Centro-Sul
- Gregorio Castellanos Casillas – México Ocidental
- Hugo Depiné – Brasil Centro-Sul
- José Felix García Bernarte – Norandina
- José Luis Marcos Díez – Santa Maria de los Andes
- Jose Maria Sierra del Pozo – District of Asia
- Juan Miguel Santos Ortíz. – Norandina
- Kevin Ngoran – West Africa
- Luiz José Gherardt – Brasil Sul-Amazônia
- Onukwufor Christian Obioma – Nigeria
- Robert John Speare – Star of the Sea
- Roberto de Sousa Lima – Brasil Centro-Norte
- Rómulo Ismael González – America Central
- Samuel Holguín Díez – Ibérica
- Theddy Giles de Souza – West Africa
- Vicente Sossai Falchetto – Brasil Centro-Norte
- Zósimo Eguíluz Fernández – Compostela