Participants of the Young Marist International Meeting arrive in Madrid
Hello from Madrid. We are in the previous days of the World Youth Day Madrid 2011. We wish to share with the whole Institute what is happening during the program of this Church event where thousands of young people from many countries, cultures and languages are involved. The numbers, at the moment, are for the final review. However, the atmosphere at the Barajas airport showed a strong movement of young people to Madrid.
The WYD of Madrid 2011 is organized in two consecutive moments. In the first one, the reception of the young people in the diocese, the churches, provinces or local communities is developed. The second one will be the meeting with the Pope in Madrid. The Marist brothers, at this first part, have organized an International Meeting of Young Marists with the slogan ‘BELIVIN’. At this event will take part more than 400 young people from 22 different nationalities, 18 Marist Provinces and one District.
The Marist meeting will be in four different places simultaneously: Tui (under the responsibility of Compostela Province), Alicante (Mediterranea), Barcelona (Hermitage), and Buitrago (Iberica). The purpose of this descentralization is to enhance the communication in similar languages and make easier the participation. In the three first places will be possible to share life, ministry and faith experiences. The participants in Buitrago are people dedicated to leaderschip roles, animation, catechesis or pastoral in different areas.
After finishing the meeting in those places, the participants will meet in Madrid, in San Jose del Parque school, on 15th August 2011, to conclude the meeting days with a Eucharistic celebration, a dinner and a music festival with the Marist group Kairoi.
During the meeting days the brother Emili Turú, Superior General, the brothers from the General Council Antonio Ramalho, Eugène Kabanguka and Josep Maria Soteras and the brothers César A. Rojas and João Carlos Do Prado from the Marist Mission and Brothers Secretariats.
Once concluded the Intenational Meeting of Youth Brothers all participants will take part of the World Youth Day.