2013-03-04 ITALY

Passion for education

On 18 February, Br Diogène Musine, a Ruandan who has been a member of the Hermitage community for the last three years, brilliantly defended his doctoral thesis at the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome, Faculty of Educational Sciences.

The work and its defence won the jury’s highest qualification. A numerous group of Brothers, including three members of the General Council, were present at this academic performance. Br Diogène was subsequently congratulated and toasted by the Brothers of the General House on his achievement.

Br Diogène has frequently demonstrated his interest in, or better, his passion for education. So we are not surprised at his efforts to continue studying subjects relating to the school.

The title of his doctoral thesis was : « The transformation of subjects in the school milieu : work of the Institution and/or of charismatic teaching ? The work devoted numerous pages to the analysis of several films : The circle of dead poets, Professor Holland, To be and to have, The choir andTo write to exist.

Diogène formulates his working hypothesis as follows : Under ideal conditions, the transformation of subjects in the school milieu is the result of constant and efficaciously co-ordinated action between the educational institution and charismatic teaching. All the same, this equilibrium between charism and institution is unstable and precarious. It can sometimes turn into confrontation. The cinema has a tendency to make a hero of the charismatic leader who, in his aggressiveness towards the institution, risks trapping the subjects in a new form of dependency. It must always be kept in mind that the issue for education is fundamentally a matter of continuing  negotiation between the institution and the personal charism.

Those who share Diogène’s life appreciate his discretion and his constancy, his organisation and spirit of personal formation. In daily life he is not sparing in his devotion to community life and the animation of groups. He has put his many talents at the service of all, and it is surprising that he has found the time to complete his doctorate.

All our congratulations, Doctor. May you continue to give witness among us to your educational sensibility !

Download the presentation – Doc word – in French


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