Pastoral coordinators reflect on priorities for the triennium and on the Fourvière Year
Around 40 coordinators of the pastoral work of the Brasil Centro-Norte province, gathered from April 4 – 8 to discuss the horizons defined by the Brothers during the last Assembly and Provincial Chapters, last December.
They also reflected on the Fourvière Year, underscoring the promise made on 23 July 1816. Therefore, the theme of the meeting was “Come with Mary, towards a new beginning, with a tent as the heart.”
The three priorities of the Province are:
- To strengthen consecrated life and the Marist laity, intensifying joint formation, culture and vocational accompaniment, with an emphasis on the mystical, fraternal life, prophetic mission and new present among the Montagne of today;
- To ensure evangelisation as the center of the Marist educational mission; with an ecclesial perspective, with children, adolescents and youth, prioritising the PJM (Marist Youth Ministry);
- Consolidate the improvement of a corporate governance, with agility and lightness, in communion with the Institute's projects, ensuring economic, financial and environmental sustainability.