2006-07-06 COLOMBIA

Perpetual profession in the Province of Norandina

Assured of the fidelity of God towards our brothers Nelson Cardona, Wilson Cruz and Salvador Álvarez, the Province of Norandina (Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela) celebrated their perpetual profession.

Brother Salvador, aged 37, exercises his apostolate in the school at Macará, Ecuador, Brother Nelson, aged 33 at Champagnat College, Bogota and Brother Wilson, aged 31 at the school at Quevedo, Ecuador.

The profession took place on the 18th June during the liturgical celebration of Corpus Christi. The covenant of the Lord with his people, the theme of the readings of the Mass, had special significance in the perpetual profession of our three confrères. ?I will fulfil my vows to the Lord before all his people.? ?We will do what the Lord asks of us.? The three perpetually professed brothers confirmed before a large gathering that they were consecrating their persons, body and soul, and all their heart, as teachers in the service of the Kingdom, for the salvation of the young people entrusted to them. Through their work as teachers, they renew this offering each day.

The profession took place in the Holy Spirit church, neighbouring Champagnat College, Bogota. It was simple, but very moving, in an atmosphere of a feast with hymns and liturgical symbols with profound meaning. The word fidelity reverberated often during the ceremony. We asked the Lord and the Good Mother for the gift of fidelity for them as well as for us who were accompanying them during their definitive consecration.

Brother Laurentino, Provincial, received their vows. Their parents, friends and confrères were the witnesses of their commitment. Brothers came from the three communities of Bogota and others came from Colombia.

After the religious celebration, there was a toast at Champagnat College and a meal at the Provincial house, where all shared in fraternal joy and in a simple and familial atmosphere.

The Brother Provincial and the brothers of the Province thank God through our Good Mother for the gift of the vocation of these three brothers and ask Mary to intercede for the perseverance of each brother of the Province.


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