2009-09-06 GENERAL HOUSE

Places for Meetings and Contacts

Today we set aside a small section to explain how the General House is accomodating the needs of the General Chapter. On their arrival at Rome, the participants in the Chapteer are met at the airport by one of the Brothers from the General Administration community. Once at the house reception area, they receive their keys and are shown to their rooms.

The three major sections that the house is divided into have been given names of Marist places. The first of these is the hotel, ?Villa EUR? which has been named ?La Valla?. The second is the area of the General House community, which has been designated ?Roma?. And finally, with the name ?Hermitage?, is the building that in the past has served as the International College.

The ?Champagnat Room? will be a space for gatherings, breaks, newspapers, coffee, celebrating, etc. The areas adjacent to the central staircase of the house have four rooms to be used for meetings of groups and commissions. These rooms are named for Brothers Francesco, Lorenzo, Silvestre and Estanislao. Brothers Vergés and Basilio give their names to two rooms off the corridor of the superiors general.

An informative pamphlet has been published in each of the four languages and one is given to each participant on his or her arrival. It contains practical points, such as the use of keys, times of meals, laundry schedule, use of the telephone, mail, currency exchange, etc?. how the various services are organized and who are the persons responsible for them.


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