2009-02-19 GENERAL HOUSE

Preparations advance

From January 27-29, 2009, a smaller number of experts was reunited in Rome to prepare for the meeting on Mission and management which will take place in Guatemala from April 10 to 15, 2009. This team of experts, under the coordination of Brother Juan Miguel Anaya, Secretary of the Commission on Mission, together with Maureen Cleary (Australia), Manuel Portero (Spain) and Fernando de Barros Barreto (Brazil), has set some norms in order to organize this meeting in Guatemala.

This Guatemala meeting has as its purpose the continuation of what took place in Campinas, Brazil from November 16-18 of 2006, in which all of the Provinces of America and four or Europe, developed the theme ?The study and proposed models of management for the assembled Marist Educational Institutions of one (a) Province?. After the meeting in Campinas, the Mission Commission of the General Council named a sub-commission, composed of Brothers: Juan Miguel Anaya (Rome), Wellington Medeiros (Brazil Centro-Norte), Michael Green (Australia), Juan Ignacio Poyatos (Mediterranea), Luis C. Gutierrez (Central America), and Carlos A. Huidobro (Cruz del Sur), to prepare the convocation of a second meeting on the theme, possibly in the first months of 2009, in such a way that they could make contributions at the XXI General Chapter, if they considered it advantageous to participate in the meeting.


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