Preparing for the II International Marist Mission Assembly
The Marist house in Xaudaró Street, Madrid, seat of the Edelvives Publishing Group, the Spanish Marist Conference and the SED NGO, played host on 10 December to the first of the meetings of one of the reflection groups of the Province of Ibérica on New Marists on Mission. This is possibly one of the most peculiar and heterogeneous of those formed this year in Spain to prepare for the II International Marist Mission Assembly.
The special character of this group resides in its varied provenance, seeing that the majority of its members do not form part of the educational community of any Marist centre. Brothers and laity, teachers and professionals in other fields, young people and veterans, therefore, form a group that is unique. They are the persons working in the SED NGO, the Espiral Association and the Xaudaró Marist community. The superior of the latter has invited the members of the group, around fifteen, to feel at home.