Preparing the American Encounter of Marist Education
The Sub-Commission of Education of the Inter-American Conference of Provincials (CIAP) met on July 19 to 23, 2015 in Mérida, Marist Province of Western Mexico.
The central point was on the organization and affirmation of the III Continental Encounter of Marist Education, which will be celebrated in Lima, Peru, from March 31 to April 3, 2016.
The final touch was put on all the details of the encounter, the logics of reflection concerning the model of evangelizing school and of Marist school management.
It is hoped that this Encounter will be a valuable help for the Administrative Units and the school centers to animate these two fundamental or essential elements in the vitality of the continental mission.
Besides, the Commission updated its strategic plan and followed up two important initiatives: the model for the formation of executives with two Masters in Marist Educational Management that it has subscribed with the Champagnat University of Lima and the Marist University of Guadalajara (at a distance or on line) and the program of continental internships for executives.
The Masters at present have 12 graduate students and a second group in progress in the Champagnat University, and with 32 students in the Marist University of Guadalajara.
The internships began with a first experience of one very diversified week in Chile, through an itinerary of various centers with educational innovations. It is hoped to be able to extend the academic offering is extended to a third University in Brazil, and new internships in other Provinces.
We dedicated an important time to analyze and study the Continental Survey of Evangelizing Education which will be launched at the end of August and September for the schools of the continent.
The Commission is profoundly grateful for the welcoming space, fraternal spirit and Marist appreciation shown by the Province of Western Mexico, by Irma Zamarripa as host, by the local community of Mérida in the person of Br. Eduardo Brondo and his Brothers of the community, and by the Marist works of the city and the Marist University of Mérida.
Br. Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, fms