2015-10-16 ITALY

?Presence of the Holy Spirit would be lost if elderly Brothers are forgotten?

After participating in a two-month programme in the Italian town of Manziana dedicated to elderly brothers, a Marist has stressed the importance of not forgetting those more advanced in age.

“If we ever forget the older brothers, we would lose the memory and historic presence of the Holy Spirit within the Institute,” said Marist Father Mauricio Díaz García, the group’s chaplain.

“That’s why any help for the elderly brothers becomes a prophetic act and support of those who preceded us,” the Mexican told the general house press office on Oct. 15.

The course, titled ‘Third Age Renewal Program for Portuguese and Spanish-speaking Brothers,’ ran from Aug. 10 – Oct. 10. 

Brother Roque Ari Salet, from Brazil, underscored that it “opened several doors” for him.

“I felt new calls, it provided an insight on my story of salvation, it helped me develop my personal life project, it situated me within the mission of this stage of life that I am living,” he remarked.

Fourteen participated as well as an organising team formed by Brothers Landelino Ortego Guerrero, the course director from Venezuela, Francisco Javier Ocaranza Sáinz, from Mexico, who helped him organise the course and Fr Mauricio, the group’s chaplain.

The participants, aged 70 – 80, came from Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Guatemala, France and Brazil.

“The programme itself is very good and it does help you a lot in realising the full potential you have,” said Brother Gerardo de Loera Romo, from Mexico.

“We generally come with a fairly negative programming, but this course opens your eyes and makes you see the potential that you have,” he added.

Guest speakers included Brothers Juan Moral, Ramón Benseny, Josep María Soteras, Ernesto Sánchez Barba, Carlos Huidobro, Xavier Barceló, Ernesto Tendero, Teófilo Minga, José María Ferre, Father Antonio Gascón, doctor José María Pérez-Soba Díaz del Corral, superior general Brother Emili Turú and professor Eva López García. 


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