Presentation of the book ?H. Virgilio León Herrero. La familia marista de los hermanos?
30 September 2011 was the day for celebrating, in the chapel of the Colegio Maristas la Inmaculada de Barcelona, the tribute to the memory of Br Virgilio León, organized by the Association of Former Students (ADEMAR) of the College among the activities programed to celebrate the centenary of the Association and the 25th anniversary of Br Virgilio’s death. The occasion was solemnized by the presence of numerous Brothers who shared a great part of their lives with Br Virgilio and former students from the various places he taught in (Barcelona, Badalona, les Avellanes, among others). Especially notable was the presence of many of his family, with his sister Inés in the forefront.
After the greetings of Jordi Cunillera, president of ADEMAR, Br Cecilio Díez, adviser to ADEMAR and principal organizer of the meeting, introduced the event. He dedicated a few words to Br Virgilio, and went on to explain the program, divided into two distinct parts.
The first was a review of the most important events in the life of Br Virgilio, accompanied by an audiovisual presentation made by Br Eladi Gallego, and the reading of texts by family members, brothers and old boys, with prayers, songs, and poetry.
The second was dedicated to the presentation of the book “H. Virgilio León Herrero. La familia marista de los hermanos”, by its author, Br Antonio Martínez Estaún. The Association expressed its gratitude for the presence of Br Antonio, who had come from Rome. For his part, Br Antonio remarked that he was grateful to the Association for remembering and honouring the person and the work of Br Virgilio, as well as the publication and presentation of this book during the Centenary of ADEMAR. He gave a commentary on the life of Br Virgilio, on his relationship with the brothers, the students and the ex-students. During the presentation, he emphasized certain of the Brother’s messages and thoughts from 30 or more years ago, which are still surprisingly relevant, and which demonstrate the great vision this man already had about the Marist Family.
At the finish, the president of ADEMAR presented Br Antonio with a souvenir of the centenary, while he in turn presented Br Virgilio’s family with a signed copy of his book. The Association also presented the family with a portrait of the brother which had presided over the ceremony.
In sum, this was a simple and family occasion for remembering Br Virgilio a few days after the commemoration of his 25th anniversary. From ADEMAR Barcelona la Inmaculada, we cannot end this brief account without thanking the Marist Province of the Hermitage, the Colegio Maristas la Inmaculada and the Baula Publishing House for their collaboration in publishing Br Antonio’s book, as well as for the support we have always enjoyed from the Direction Team of the Educational Community of Colegio Maristas la Inmaculada and the Marist brothers’ community of Barcelona-Diagonal.
ADEMAR Barcelona La Immaculada