Process of coordination among Marist entities of solidarity
This encounter of the representatives of the Marist NGO’s will be held in Rome on April 26 to 28, in the General House of the Marist Brothers, and will be coordinated by FMSI. Two delegates from each continent will come: from America Coco Álvarez and Jimena Grignani, from Europe Javier Salazar and Antonio Tejedor, from Asia-Oceania Manuel De Leon and Allen Sherry; lastly, to represent the voice of Africa, the Marist Religious Henry Uzor (Nigeria) and Fortune Chakasara (Zimbawe) were invited. For FMSI the following will participate: Marzia Ventimiglia, Manel Mendoza, Mario Meuti and Álvaro Sepúlveda
The starting point of the work will be the plan or project of the activities and responsibilities the idea of which was already mentioned on previous occasions. The objective of the encounter: to place the bases for the creation of a network of Marist NGO’s
The program of the meeting foresees:
- the presentation of the preliminary meetings;
- the definition of the plan of activities and responsibilities at local level and of that of the Marist Institute;
- the definition of a plan of action for a brief period.
The encounter which will be held within the next few days is carrying on a process of coordination among Marist entities of solidarity and protection of children, promoted by FNSI in 2015 with the meeting of the NGO’s of the Amercan continent in the City of Guatemala. On that occasion the first draft of the plan of activities and responsibilities was written.
That document was developed in the meeting of the European Marist entities which was held in Rome at the end of 2015, and was completed with the contributions or suggestions of the meetings of the Marist NGO’s of Asia and Oceania in 2016 (Brisbane, Australia).