2010-05-04 BRAZIL

Province «Brasil Centro-Norte»

The Provincial, Br. Wellington Medeiros, had the opportunity to speak to the community superiors at the beginning of the meeting (Brasília, 8-10 April). It was the first time that the new provincial government had met this group of brothers since it took over the running of the Province « Brasil Centro-Norte » four months ago. Br Wellington reminded them that « The community superior is at the service of his confrères in the carrying out of their personal, community, and apostolic vocations. The Institute becomes real in each of them and in each community ».
The XXI General Chapter was one of the topics touched on by Br. Provincial, who provided guidelines for reading the document. In his address, he placed in relief the role of the local government, in accordance with the Constitutions, and the priorities of the Province for the next three years: a deepening of consecration, strengthening of prophetic evangelization, putting in place the initiatives necessary for maintaining and giving vitality to the mission, and development of the culture of vocations. « We are taking advantage of this time together to dialogue on the search for unity, to give more detailed information on the structure of the Province and to reinforce communion and reciprocity», Br. Provincial said in conclusion.

A minute of silence in homage of the victims of the earthquake in Haiti: this is how the brothers prepared themselves for the presentation of the campaign « Marists for Haiti », animated by the co-ordinator of Marketing for the Province « Brasil Centro-Norte », Amanda Leiria.

Each brother received an explanatory prospectus and several dossiers for getting the campaign on the road. The Marist Union of Brasil (UMBRASIL) is working in collaboration with « Caritas Brasil », which has placed at the disposal of the brothers an exclusive current account for the Marist mobilisation. The initiative already counts on the support of the FMSI (Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Internazionale), the National Confederation of the Bishops of Brasil (CNBB), Caritas, and the Conference of Religious of Brasil (CRB).

Institutional matters

A moment of prayer marked the beginning of the second day of the meeting, which was devoted to setting in motion initiatives for the maintenance and vitality of the mission. The morning was given to a talk by Mr. Robert Haigh, of the enterprise Première Consultation, on the changes in the structure of the Province. Then it was the turn of the one responsible for the Organisations of the Province, Br. Umberto Gondim, accompanied by Br. Luiz André, co-ordinator of the Evangelisation and Ministry Commission.

The Superior General takes part in the meeting

Br. Emili Turú, Superior General, honoured the community superiors by his intervention via web cam (system ooVoo), on the afternoon of Friday 9 April. Br. Emili greeted those present with words of encouragement: « You are the leaders. It is important to evaluate what we in train of building or what we are not building. »

Br. Emili recalled that the meeting was in line with the General Chapter, since it proposed the living of fraternal dialogue by the brothers among themselves and with the provincial team. « The practice of the Chapter is in each of us », he said. Then he insisted on commitment to the search for provincial unity.
« Many thanks to you all for your contribution in keeping the mission alive in the Province », Br. Emili said on taking leave. At the time, he was taking part in the plenary session of the General Council.

To the next meeting!

The last day was devoted to evaluation. Aspects such as the atmosphere of sharing, attention to details and fraternal life, were emphasised by Br. Laquini of the community of Aracati (CE): « I very much appreciated the transparency of the provincial government and the will of all to overcome the challenges. »

For Br. Nilton Dourado, of Natal (RN), the sense of belonging was the thing to be noted right through the meeting: « The preliminary preparation was very well organized and each participant received special attention. »

In the opinion of Br. Tomaz de Aquino, of Patos de Minas (MG), it was an opportunity to « drink from the fountain » of animation and of the Marist charism.


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