2013-12-15 EL SALVADOR

Province of America Central

From overseas, the Eternal City and the Land of Fire, arrive many smiling persons, announcers of the new dawn we desire as Institute, Province and Marists. At L’Hermitage of El Salvador we gathered, Marists called from the country of Los Lagos (Nicaragua), the lands of Izalco (El Salvador), the country of Eternal Spring (Guatemala), the Island of Enchantment (Puerto Rico) and the paradise of Yigüirro (Costa Rica).

Blessed are the footsteps of those who come as heralds of the opening to the new signs of our  vitality. They proclaim that fears are dead and that the undecided have no place among us. They will discover that the keys of love and commitment to the Kingdom are realities found in the  folds of the great robe of Jesus of Nazareth and that they can be inpirational and lifegiving. In other words, these are the glimmers of the new dawn beginning to break among us.

With their very simple life and their backpacks filled with Marist hope and love, they set out again leaving us this new and refreshing manna they call « The dream of God ». With this dream, we are invited to SET OUT, to live this newness, to recreate Champagnat’s charism, to pursue conversion of heart, to resituate ourselves in the face of the images we have of God.

The echos of our last General Chapter have reached us : they invite us to set out in haste. Before the work which awaits us, it is the time to rebuild our strength around the same table of the brotherhood of La Valla, to look at life with the eyes of God, toset out on mission with others, which means to get on the road, to construct a new tent and not to leave Mary at home, but have her asour companion on the road.

Brother Javier and Raúl : be assured that, like so many of the brothers and laity present at the retreat of the Province of Central America, we left very satisfied with the experience at this refreshing oasis. In the name of the Province and all those present at this gathering, all our thanks and friendship. May this experience of Marist communion which you have offered us be the spearhead of Marcellin’s charism and may it meet us up again at the heart of the Province.

May Mary of Nazareth, icon of the Marist journey, silent, hardworking, creative, dawn and disciple on mission, continue to lovingly bear the laity, men and women, in her arms and in her heart.

Br Teódulo Hernando


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