2010-02-13 GUATEMALA

Province of América Central

In a continuing enthusiasm for helping all the Brothers of this Sector of the Institute, the Marist Province of América Central held a meeting for the Animators of all our communities. Some 22 Brothers gathered at the Marist Formation Center, together with the Superior of the Little Sisters of Champagnat, to examine once more a better methodology for giving life to all the Brothers and members of our communities.

The process of reflection was well co-ordinated by Brother Provincial and the different persons taking part in the line of projection. Among the very special topics, one cannot fail to mention the proceedings of the XXI General Chapter on new communities and the mission of the Superior in this new way ?in haste towards new lands?? This topic took time and we hope that its fruits may be positive for the Brothers.

In the afternoon, a specialist, the licentiate Vinicio Morales, presented us with various topics but of great value for our mission:
– Keys for defining the human maturity of the animator
– The profile of the accompanier-animator of the community
– Groups and conflicts which may arise

There were very valuable observations and of deep reflection on the personal realities of our Brothers and the possible reasons for causing conflict and ways of confronting them?

The following day, we studied two topics: The way of religious life today, taking a close look at our communities, and then we went deeper in the form of praying in community by sharing the Word of God.
We return happy to our communities with the firm enthusiasm of being motivators of new life in persons and in each of our communities.

In conclusion, Brother Provincial gave us some final notes, which are the marrow and the center of our mission to the Brothers of our community. Here is a summary of these ideas. The Superior must live certain vital attitudes in relation to his Brothers:
– Feel himself completely responsible for his community.
– Respect each of his Brothers.
– Accept each of the Brothers as he is.
– Welcome, stimulate, help, defend, encourage, please his Brothers.
– Put Christ at the center of his life and at the center of the community.
– Accept all his Brothers without prejudice and discover in each of them a beloved son of God?.

These are the central ideas of the reflection passed on to each of the Brothers (and Sister) animators of community. The way is long and we hope for a very positive action in relation to the members of our community. With the Lord?s help and placing our confidence in her who is the first Superior of the house and Mother of the Congregation, we will take pains to carry out this delicate mission of service?

Br. José Antonio López


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