2013-10-09 BRAZIL

Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte »

The Commission of Animation of the Laity of the Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte » met from 14 to 17 September in Brazlândia, to evaluate the year, programme activities for 2014 and report on the Laity in Marist Brasil and the Institute.

The meeting guaranteed a time of conviviality and sharing of life among the members of the Commission, to strengthen the existing bonds and sense of team. The fraternal climate helped the subsequent discussions, whose  principal aim was to put the finishing touches to the formation itinerary for the laity which is en route in the Province.

The discussion placed the accent on the necessity of the accompaniment of the participants at the meetings, the building up of aids for formation and the union of efforts with other Provinces in view of the new relationship between brothers and laity. To guarantee the unity of views with Marist Brasil and the Institute, there was a period of sharing and reflection on the work of the Commission of the Laity within UMBRASIL, the meeting of the American Sub-commission of the Laity, and the 2013-2017 action plan of the Secretariat of the Laity of the Institute. This information favoured a  wider vision of the Marist laity, as well as the work of the Commission, while preserving the common approach necessary for consolidating the itinerary of formation and vocational discernment for the laity implemented in the  Province.

Eder D’Artagnan – Co-ordinator of the Commission of the Laity
Marist Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte »


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