2014-04-16 BRAZIL

Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte »

By means of a video-conference with the brothers, the Province of « Brasil Centro Norte » officially launched on 15 April the Strategic Plan for the educational centres for the next ten years. Br Provincial, Wellington Medeiros, emphasised : « We wish to give coherent responses to the appeals of the contemporary world, in being a reference point for education in the national and American context and also for the Institute. »

The accent has been placed on transparency and equity in order to make the mission of the educational centres more viable : to educate and evangelise the children, adolescents and young people, according to the criteria of Marcellin Champagnat, with a view to forming Christians and citizens committed to the construction of a durable and just society in solidarity.

The institutional position puts the accent on apostolic and Marial spirituality ;  setting value on every human being ; demonstrating the role of the children, adolescents and young people ; insistance on the professionalisation, innovation and durability of the mission, and excellence in the processes, products and services, aiming especially at improvement in the manner of dealing with people.


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