2009-08-20 BRAZIL

Province of Brasil Centro-Norte ? to strengthen unity

On 8 and 9 August, in Brasilia, all the superiors and economes of the communities and houses of formation of the Province Brasil Centro-Norte, 52 brothers in all, came together for a meeting. This year, the organizers of the traditional assembly of community animators offered, among other topics, that of preparation for the coming General Chapter. Numerous possible activities were suggested for the communities, those in charge of the works, brothers and laity, as well as for the pupils and organizations, to be carried out before and after the Chapter.

Another important topic, in addition to reflection on the daily practice of one responsible for and directing a community, was how to improve the budget for the financial year of 2010. This point also allowed for a return to the theme of the Evangelical Use of Goods.

This Assembly brings to a close one further step in the construction of the Province, in the outline of its Plan of Continuing Formation. The evaluation allowed all to hear testimonies of satisfaction about these days of communion and brotherhood.


General Chapter - A quick look at the road tr...


Accra - 3-8 August 2009...