Province of Canada
A weekend during which we took important steps on the approach to the new land of the Marist Province of Québec-Canada. This was 8, 9 and 10 November at the House of the Madonna, at Cap-de-la-Madeleine. On Saturday, there was a count of over 100 participants…
The19 capitulants of the 5th Provincial Chapter met on the afternoon of Sunday 10 November. After a good time of prayer and exchange, they proceded, by secret vote, to the sondage for the election of the next Provincial. This historic gesture was a first in our annals, for it was a new method of procedure granted by the General Council.
The 2nd session of the Chapter will be held on 30, 31 May and 1st June 2014. The Preparatory Commission will be inspired by the intuitions and suggestions of the Provincial Assembly and the Forum of 8 – 10 November to settle on the topics to be studied to help the 25 capitulants (19 brothers and 6 laity) to give direction to the Province for the next three years.
While the brothers were occupied with the sondage for the election of the Provincial, the laity proceded on their side to the election of the Council of Administration of the Marist Association of the Laity (AMdL), an organisation emerging from the fusion of the MMQ (Mouvement Mariste Québec) and the AMI (Association Mariste Iberville).
Mme Louise Fortier was elected President. It can be joyfully asserted that this new Council is truly intergenerational, with a certain accent on the youthfulness of the administrators.