2016-08-12 GUATEMALA

Province of Central America

In the Province of Central America, in 2009, there emerged a new way of favoring the encounters among the Brothers of the same country, with the so-called OASIS.  These respond to the petition made in a Provincial Assembly: “To favor human and spiritual growth in the communities by offering the Brothers and the communities different experiences (workshops, retreats, oasis) in order to favor such a growth”.  

But this experience which was thought of directly for the Brothers, in 2012 it was opened to the laity, men and women, as a place of joint formation, sharing faith and life, and favoring the encounter and communion as Marists. 

The OASIS last half a day and are proposed three or four times a year.  All the Brothers, the members of the Fraternities, and other lay persons who because of their Marist journey with us wish to nourish themselves with these encounters are invited. .  

This initiative, through simple, presupposes an experience of fraternity and communion, which is helping the new relationship Brothers-Laity, proposed by the last General Chapter, to grow. 


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