Province of « Mediterránea »
Faithful to the strategic plan of the Province and, specifically, to the first objective of strengthening continuing formation which leads us to rediscover our vocation and mission, fostering a new way of being Brother, the Brothers of the former Province of « Levante » had a day of reflection in the house of Guardamar on 25 November.
About thirty Brothers from the communities of Valence, Foyer de Torrent, Denia, d’Alicante, Guardamar and Murcia reflected on the theme of interiority, under the expert guidance of Darío Mollá S.J. Two communities were not represented at the meeting, Cullera because their car broke down as they were leaving, and Algemesí because of their participation the previous evening at a college activity. The theme developed by the presenter touched on three points especially: what is understood by interiority, what processes take place in interiority and how to take care of interiority ; the fourth point, how to educate in interiority, was left for another occasion.
There was time for personal reflection and for sharing in common what we had commented on in the work groups, before going on to the celebration of the Eucharist – feast of Christ the King – and then to the convivial meal in the refectory.
There was still some time which the Br Provincial put to good use by giving us different indications on the life of the Province : information on the illness of Br Mario Pinato (deceased after this article had been written), preparation and programming of each community’s part in this year’s retreat, the need to look after ongoing formation, and expectations on the difficult implementation of the infirmary house at Cartagena.