2007-06-14 ITALY

Province of Mediterránea

The Brothers Superior of the communities of the Province of Mediterránea met in the General House on the 28th, 29th and 30th April. More than thirty participants took part in the formation workshop according to the programme prepared by the Commission for Community Life and Spirituality. The objectives of this meeting were centred on ?look-ing after the formation and the accompaniment of the brothers in the various stages of their life?, ?ensuring that our communities be places of human and spiritual growth? and ?fostering integration in the Province?.

Brother Onorino Rota, Superior of the General House, presented the subject: ?The role of Community Superior? which was followed by a long discussion. Brother Luís García Sobrado, Vicar General, treated ?Marist Spirituality? and presented the document ?Water from the Rock?. Brother Manuel Jorques, Provincial, spoke to us about ?older brothers in our communities? and about some practical orientations.

We also studied in General Assembly some aspects of the development of ?community projects?, of the ?plan of the Year of Spirituality? and ?formation itineraries?.

We experienced some enjoyable days of life in common, feeling that it was a profitable time for improving our service to the brothers and to the communities.


The definitive ?YES?...


Young apostles with Mary as guide...