2014-03-12 MEXICO

Province of México Occidental

The Province’s administrative staff and Directors of Marist works met in January for 3 days at the Marist University of Guadalajara. The meeting had a double purpose:

  • Sharing a training experience to foster new ways of organizing and administrating our works.
  • Getting to know and discussing the changes brought about by the Reforms and their implications in order to commit ourselves, at the personal and professional levels, to ensuring our educational mission.

The discussion topics were the following:

  • Spirituality and management.
  • Provincial guidelines for the legal field.
  • An overview of the Labor Reform in the area of education.
  • Financial and administrative implications of the Fiscal Reform for our educational works.
  • Provincial guidelines regarding the accounting system – taxes, payrolls and benefits.
  • Organizational structure and interpersonal relations.
  • Administrative job profiles.

The meeting as a whole allowed us to appreciate the sound professional competence of our administrative staff members, whether responsible for management, accounting or human resources. Likewise, it is obvious that in order to benefit from their skills and to promote the development of those who need training we need to keep organizing this kind of discussion and formation gatherings. Meeting between peers to share experiences was one of the aspects the participants appreciated most.


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