2014-04-23 BRAZIL

Province of Rio Grande do Sul

The preparatory meetings for the II International Marist Mission Assembly (AIMM), to be held in September in Africa, are increasing throughout the Institute. Following the local meetings, it is now time for the provincial phases in order to line up the activities of the world event that will gather representatives from all Provinces and Districts in Nairobi, Kenya.

The provincial phase of the Province Rio Grande do Sul is scheduled for May 20th, in Porto Alegre, and it will bring together approximately 180 people. On this day, the participants previously listed by Communities, Units and Fraternities will share and celebrate the processes experienced at the local level and also develop the proposals of the Province for the International phase. On that occasion, the representatives for the International Assembly will also be presented.  


II Marist International Mission Assembly...


Fondazione Marista per la SolidarietĂ  Intern...