Province of Rio Grande do Sul
Nearly 60 persons from the 27 fraternities of the Province de Rio Grande do Sul took part in the Meeting of Animators of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family (ChMMF) on 8 March. This is a space for sharing and reflection on such topics as spirituality, mission, the relationship and formation of Brothers and Laity.
The objective of the meeting was to give the fraternities orientation in their own journey of formation and to define the sharing points of the spirituality among the fraternities.
Together, the participants defined six fundamental proposals for the sharing of the Marist Spirituality to become a reality in the fraternities :
1. To live together in the manner of Mary ;
2. Despite our limits and weaknesses, to have trust in God as ‘called’ ;
3. By means of the Gospel, to witness to Jesus and his love for the most neglected ;
4. To try to live the Marist spirituality and be committed to practising the characteristics of simplicity in the relationships and circles we move in : integrity, transparency, love of nature…, avoiding consumerism, waste, superfluity. To have a simple lifestyle. To be living water for others !
5. To live the Spirit of the Family of Nazareth! To carry this message into the other areas of our own life ;
6. To open the heart to allow the Holy Spirit to act.