Province of Santa María de los Andes
From the 20th until the 24th of May there took place in Lima, Peru, the Meeting of the Commissions for Vocations, Solidarity, Spirituality and the Laity, with representatives of the three Sectors from the Province of Santa María de los Andes (Chile, Bolivia and Peru).
The event, which took place in the Residencia Champagnat, had as its main objectives:
- to recognize and celebrate the service carried out in the Province as an expression of the charism which unites the three countries;
- to clarify the guidelines in the Area of Evangelisation of the Province for the period 2019 until 2025;
- to discuss common and interrelated projects such as provincial Commissions for the period 2019 at 2025;
- to promote or define the parameters of each commission in the light of those constructed for the Area of Evangelism of the Province of Santa María de los Andes.
During the meeting discussions took place on the work carried out in each of the commissions, and work experiences, related learning, action areas and achievements obtained in each one of the commissions were shared.
At the meeting, the strategic planning of the Institute was revised, for the Region of South America and the strategic lines of the Province. And also, a discussion on the vocational dimension.
The action plan in the Area of Evangelisation of the Province was also planned for the period 2019 until 2025.
Before bringing the meeting to a close, those taking part investigated ideas and projects with an eye to promoting the Provincial Commissions for the period 2019 until 2025, in the Area of Evangelisation of the Province.