2011-09-30 ZAMBIA

Province of Southern Africa

The Province of Southern Africa recently organized for the first time a meeting for Community Superiors, which took place in Lusaka, Zambia from August 21 – 24. All the Community Superiors from the six countries, Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe came together to share, educate and encourage one another on their role as Community Superiors. The 19 Superiors, (Angola 3, Malawi 5, Mozambique 3, South Africa 2, Zambia 2 and Zimbabwe 4) both young and old, with some input from the Provincial, Bro. Joe Walton, enriched one another on a number of issues pertaining to their role as community superiors. 

Among other topics discussed were:

  • What does it mean to be the superior of a community?
  • Leadership Power and methods of influence
  • Types of leadership styles
  • Factors influencing Leadership styles
  • Leadership Skills and the function of a leader.
  • Superiors personality qualities
  • Community Needs
  • Community Life Plan & Community Living
  • Accompaniment of Young Brothers

The meeting aimed at fostering unity within the Province and strengthening the communities by empowering superiors in their role as animators of Marist Communities in the Province of Southern Africa.


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