2017-05-10 BRAZIL

Provincial Assemblies in Curitiba

From April 27 – 30, Brothers and laity of the Brasil Centro-Sul province gathered at the Champagnat Marist centre of Curitiba in two general assemblies.

At the same time, the ‘Marist Memorial’ was inaugurated, covering the foundation of the Marist Institute’s 200 years, and Brother Tiago Fedel made his perpetual profession.

The Assembly of Brothers gathered 67 participants to dialogue, study and reflect on the path of the province. Participants covered topics related to the sustainability of a project on religious organisation, contemplating the strategic planning of the Grupo Marista, and the progress of projects in the America Sur region.

The provincial assembly of Marist laity gathered 62 people of different lay expressions within the province. They presented the laity’s provincial plan, under the title Praça da Vida Marista, which contemplates a place of encounter and welcome in which tradition is celebrated and which projects the future of Brothers and laity, together in mission and living the Marist charism. 

According to Brother Joaquim Sperandio, provincial superior, brothers, leaders, collaborators and lay people had a moment to share one’s life and strengthen fraternal bonds as well as the charism, while the reports were presented and relevant topics of general interest were discussed.


Marist Memorial 

The Marist Memorial was launched on April 29, with the hope of promoting the Institute’s cultural, historical and spiritual patrimony through educational, artistic and religious actions and the realisation of technical processes of investigation, cataloguing, preservation of the Marist memory and of its legacy to the Church and to society.

The space was designed with the main objective of rescuing and preserving the historical facts and documents of the 200 years of foundation of the Marist Institute and of disseminating them among the Marist community and future generations that will visit it searching for knowledge and the deepening of the vitality and continuity of the Marist charism that Saint Marcellin Champagnat and the first brothers left us.

You can access a complete report in Portuguese, and PDF, of the 4 days of meeting and activities of the Marists of the province of Brazil Centro-Sul, click here.


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