Provincial Assembly of West Africa
The Marist Brothers of the Province of West Africa held their Assembly from August 1st to 3rd, 2024, at the Marist Community of Babenga in Cameroon. The Chapter delegates and the Brothers from Cameroon attended in person, while the rest of the Brothers joined virtually. The main agenda of the Assembly focused on sustainability and generating income under the theme “We Are Companions on the Journey.” The Assembly also provided an opportunity to review the calls of the previous Chapter. Brother Ken McDonald, General Councillor, represented the General government.
Important decisions were made during the Assembly and were forwarded for further deliberation to the Chapter, from 6 to 9 August, 2024.
The closing ceremony took place on August 4th, during which some Brothers were recognized for their dedication and hard work in advancing the affairs of the Province.
It is noteworthy that Superior General Br. Ernesto Sánchez attended the closing ceremony, along with Brothers from the Province of Mediterránea: Br. Aureliano Garcia, Provincial; Br. Juan Ignacio Potayos, Councilor; and Br. Manuel Jorques, a former Provincial of the Mediterranea.
The West Africa Province is present in 5 African countries: Cameroon, Chad, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Liberia.