Provincial chapter of Canada
The general chapter ended on Oct. 20, the provincial assembly took place mid-November and the provincial chapter, from Dec. 15 – 17.
Three closely linked acts were held that boosted forces of the Marist province of Canada.
Despite the advanced age of the Brothers of the province, the themes discussed show an enthusiastic reality: the laity play an important role in the transmission of the Marist charism.
Sixteen Brother delegates, elected from among the members of the province, eight lay delegates, elected by the Marist association of laity, four young guests, members of the pastoral animation commission, two lay members of the chapter's preparatory committee, met in Val -de-Paix (Rawdon) to reflect on the orientations for the second term of Brother Gérard Bachand.
Sixteen Brother delegates, elected from among the members of the province, eight lay delegates, elected by the Marist association of laity, four young guests, members of the pastoral animation commission and two lay members of the chapter’s preparatory committee, met in Val-de-Paix (Rawdon) to reflect on the orientations for Brother Gérard Bachand’s second term.
With their presence, Brothers Josep Maria Soteras, who had arrived a few days earlier, and Ernesto Sánchez were witnesses of the importance that the general council gives to the signs of vitality represented by the provincial chapters. Saying it more prosaically, they could experience the cold and the snow of December in Canada…
The programme, well planned by the preparatory commission, made up of Brothers and laity, allowed for the sharing of ideas, where all the participants could present their own vision in relation to the priorities that the province needs to assume during the next three years, taking into account, together with the laity, the transmission of Champagnat’s charisma to the way they live.
All had an active voice during the reflection and guidance on that topic.
The Brothers and laity of the Province of Canada thank Brothers Ernesto, superior general, and Josep Maria, general councillor, for their significant presence during the chapter; Brothers and Laity perceived a strong interest on their behalf in relation to life and the dynamics of the province, which aims to convey Champagnat’s charisma in the local society.
Provincial councillors
In light of the experience of recent years, the number of provincial councillors has increased from six to four. In fact, the table of the mission, which brings together the members of the council and the delegates of the Marist Association of Lay People, includes the entire apostolic life of the province.
In this way, the provincial council is free to focus on the aspects inherent in the life and animation of the Brothers, thus enabling a better distribution of responsibilities.
The new provincial council is formed by Brothers Gérard Bachand, provincial, Felix Roldán, Réal Cloutier, Richard Roy, vice provincial, and Bernard Beaudin. They are in the photo below in that same order, from left to right.