2009-01-09 MEXICO

Provincial Chapter of Mexico Occidental

The brothers of the Province of Mexico Occidental held their XVth provincial chapter, 23rd and 24th December 2008, with the entry into office of the new Provincial, Brother Ernesto Sánchez Barba. He replaces Brother Victor Manuel Preciado, who was five years in charge of the Province and has been appointed Econome General. His assuming office took place in the presence of the brothers, scholastics, novices, and lay people.

The first working session was consecrated to the presentation of the report of activities and of the economic balance-sheet for the period which ended with this gathering. Brother Victor Preciado presented the outline of the province?s priorities for the 2007 ? 2010 provincial pastoral plan. He reported on the work of the provincial council, as well as on the Centre of Marist Animation. He mentioned the work achieved in the sectors of Tarahumara et Haïti, which will rejoin the Province from the beginning of the year, and also the provincial and organizational projects. He finally made a series of recommendations to meet the challenges of the future. Then, Brother Javier López Godina, provincial econome, presented the economic report of the provincial administration. He explained the state of results and the general cash balance-sheet as well as the report on the properties held by the Province. Finally, the assembly was able to study the two reports and discuss them.

Brother Ernesto Sanchez received his mission as Provincial accompanied by parents, friends, brothers, and young people in formation. The ceremony took place on 23rd December, in the church of « Christ the Priest », belonging to the Holy Spirit Fathers, during a Mass celebrated by Bishop Oscar Sánchez, Ernesto?s brother, and other priests. Brother Fernando Mejía, Provincial of Mexico Central, was also present.

Another mission of the provincial chapter was the election of the provincial counsellors. The new provincial council is composed of the following brothers : Luis Roberto González, Jesús Hernández, Javier López Godina, Eduardo Navarro, Manuel Franco (Chiquilín) et Luis A. Dávalos.

The last session of the chapter had as its goal to throw light on the new horizons of work for the future . In view of the imminent holding of the XXIst General Chapter, « the Provincial Chapter requests the Brother Provincial and the steering committee of this chapter, to fix the second session on a convenient date following the closure of the General Chapter ».In the meantime « the Provincial Chapter ratifies, up to the second session, the provincial priorities expressed in the provincial pastoral plan for 2007-2010. »

Present at the Chapter session were 13 lay people from different works of the Province, invited by the Provincial and his Council in the role of observers. All expressed their gratitude to the brothers and registered great satisfaction in following the work of the chapter.


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