2007-08-03 MEXICO

Provincial meeting of GAMA

The national meeting of GAMA 2007 (ENNAGA) was held this year from the 1st until the 7th July at Guadalajara (Mexico). GAMA (from the Spanish ?Grupo ApostĂłlico Marista de Preparatoria?) is offered as a form of youth ministry in the secondary schools of the Marist Province of MĂ©xico Occidental. For two years we have worked at refounding GAMA with our young people, dialoguing, listening, being attentive and building this life-giving experience together.

More than one hundred participants (both young people and adults) came together with a common motto: ?Here are my hands, here is my voice.? We experienced an intense week during which our Marist family spirit and fraternity were very much evident. It was a rich experience for everybody. It gave us an opportunity to reflect on our mission as a group of young Marists, on our identity, on our values and on our spirituality. As well as these important elements, we also reflected on the importance of acquiring a profound commitment to the solution of social problems that afflict our country, through a greater role as young people and the exercise of a leadership of service and of creativity following Marcellin?s example.

The participation of the Province of the United States of America gave us a great deal of joy. Young people from the Marist schools of Miami and Brownsville, accompanied by Brothers Al Rivera and Peter Guadalupe, and one of their teachers Graciela Touchy, were the special guests of ENNAGA. This gesture of proximity and of collaboration between sister Provinces gave us a great sense of communion in our mission.

We are grateful to God, Marcellin and our Good Mother for everything hat we experienced during this important event for our Province of MĂ©xico Occidental and we thank them especially for their presence and their blessing. Thank you!

Kike Ortiz Quintana
Marist Youth Ministry
MĂ©xico Occidental