Provincial Meeting of the Mission of Central America
From August 30 until September 1 there took place the Provincial Meeting of the Mission of Central America, in the Marist Centre of Formation, in the City of Guatemala.
"It was highly importantto witness the collaboration between the brothers and laypeople and I also witnessed, once again, a very high level of leadership in the Institute", said Brother João Carlos do Prado, General Councillor to the office of communications in the General House on September 5.
As well as Brother João, representatives from the areas of education, evangelism, solidarity and defence of the rights of the Province took part.
On Thursday, August 30, the objectives of the meeting were set out and the participants heard the message sent by the provincial superior, Brother Hipólito Pérez.
"I feel very close to each one of you and at the same time I am confident that your points of viewand intuitions will be a valuable contribution in guiding the decisions of the Provincial Council in the years to come", he declared.
In the course of the day, Brother João offered suggestions on the 'Context of our mission', 'Spaces anddelegates for our mission' and 'The Marist community of Champagnat: animating the mission.'
On Friday, those taking part continued to reflect on the mission of brothers and lay people and Brother João presented the topic 'Contemplative Leadership: mystical and prophetic'. Then, in groups, the participants reflected on the topic of 'Marists of Champagnat/Community' and they prepared a number of posters to illustrate their contributions.
In the afternoon, the work continued on the first topic, followed by a reflection on those 'Wide Platforms for a significant Mission/Presence.'
On the final day, the participants continued group discussions on the same topic and carried out a study on the Transformational Viewpoint and context/Leadership.'
Finally, a study was carried out on the 'Vision on our journey to follow' and the meeting concluded with mass.