Provincial of « Norandina »
After studying the sondage carried out in theProvince,the General Council has decided to appoint Br Libardo Garzón, Provincial of« Norandina » for a second three year term. He will begin his new mandate during the Provincial Chapter to be held in December.
Br Superior General and his Council thank Br Libardo for his availability and the support he has received from the brothers of the Province, as well as their satisfaction. Br Emili invites the brothers to continue to support him and strive to develop a spiritual life centred on Jesus; to accept making significant moves; to assure the accompaniment and the ongoing formation of the brothers … ; to improve interpersonal relations so that they become bearers of life; to make the provincial identity became clearer by searching for unity; to look after the new relationship with laity, vocations ministry, and the reorganization of the works and communities.
This is Br Emili’s recommendation to theProvince : « It is by living the inspiration which drove Saint Marcellin to respond to the needs of the children and youth of today, and with the participation of each one, that you will be able to implement the desire of restoring to the brothers the taste and fascination for their vocation, and arrive at provincial unity. »
Born on February 7, 1963 in Filadelfia Caldas, Colombia; he belongs to the Province of Norandina. He was a member of the REMAR movement and then of the aspirancy program in Manizales. He made his postulancy and novitiate in Medellín, where he took first vows in 1985. In 1989 he made perpetual profession.
He has a licentiate in philosophy and religion from the University of Santo Tomás; he was a participant in the masters of novices course directed by Br. Basilio Rueda in 1990-91 at Castelgandolfo; he obtained a licentiate in psychology from the Gregorian University in Rome. He has followed courses in administration and in educational systems management.
He has had a variety of ministries: teacher at the school in Santo Domingo de Pasto, at Colegio Champagnat in Bogotá and at Colegio Champagnat in Pasto; master of novices; vice-provincial and provincial administrator; rector of Colegio Champagnat in Ibagué and member of the provincial council.