2019-06-26 BRAZIL

Provincial Youth Meeting brings together Marists in Brasilia

A Provincial Youth Meeting was held from the 17th to the 25th June with the aim of promoting reflection, prayer, sharing, discussion and celebration. With the theme "Youth, Faith and Social Discernment", the event brought together young people, collaborators and Marist Brothers from different regions of the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte.

The opening coincided with the Mass celebrated on the 17th by Cardinal Sérgio da Rocha in Brazlândia. On Wednesday the 19th, the young people were received at the National Congress where they held a chat on the political participation of young people and education.

Several workshops were proposed to help in the reflection. Among the themes were: political participation and leadership, cultural manifestations of young people, youth in movement, Christianity and diversity, black and indigenous identities in education and youth and the UN.

Approximately 100 participants were present.


Br. Norbert Mwila...


The reflection of God's face, hands and merci...