2014-08-11 KENYA

Provincials Conference of Africa

The Commission for the New Relationship between Brothers and Laity in Africa was set up in October 2013. It held its second meeting on 16 and 17 July 2014 at MIC in Nairobi, Kenya. The commission reviewed the action plan for the animation of the vocation of Lay Marists of Champagnat in Africa.

Here are the members of this commission :

* Southern Africa: Mr. Mike Greef, Chairperson

* Nigeria: Br Elias Iwu

* West Africa : Br John Kusi-Mensah

* PACE : Br Rémy Mbolipasiko

* Madagascar : Br Ernest Randriatsoalaivoav

* Secretariat of the Laity : Br Sylvain Ramandimbiarisoa.

Br Valentin Djawu, provincial of PACE, was invited to this meeting to represent the Provincials of Africa.


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