The General Council

21.05. 2002

Basic lines of organization and action

The General Council, during its first plenary session from February to May, having spent many hours listening, discussing, and searching, concentrated its thoughts on the responsibilities assigned to it by our Constitutions and Statutes and the five calls of the 20th General Chapter. Later the Council established organizational criteria for its work, structured into six geographical regions and centered on six topical areas. Having communicated the results of its work to Provincials and District Superiors, the Council is now sending this information out to all our brothers and the men and women who share our charism. More will follow, but for now, we will present a summary of the work accomplished thus far.

According to our Marist Constitutions and Statutes
1. animating and governing our Institute and its members;
2. unifying that Institute around Christ;
3. fostering among ourselves and our brothers greater fidelity to the commitments we have made.

Formulated by the 20th General Chapter
1. That Jesus be at the center of the life of every member of the Institute and all those who share the spirit and charism of Marcellin.
2. That our communities be renewed.
3. That we all come to a fuller understanding about the identity of our lay partners and the important place that they hold in our life and mission.
4. That a spirit of solidarity be ever more evident in our mission as Marcellin?s brothers.
5. That our work of animation and government, at all levels of the Institute, be a service to our brothers and all involved with our Institute.

Approved by the General Council
1. In our activities, respecting the multicultural nature of our Institute, while fostering unity in diversity.
2. Giving priority to the accompaniment of Provincial and District leaders.
3. Fostering greater communion among our brothers.
4. Promoting initiatives that move all of us closer to persons who are poor.
5. Continuing the work of restructuring.

Geographical regions of the Institute
1. Antonio and Pedro: The Americas
2. Emili and Peter: Asia and Europe
3. Maurice and Théoneste: Africa and the Pacific

Councilors serving as liaisons with Administrative Units
1. Maurice Berquet: Melbourne – New Zealand, Kiribati and Tonga – Fiji – Samoa – Nigeria – Rwanda – District of West Africa – Congo
2. Théoneste Kalisa: Sydney – Papua New Guinea/Solomon Islands – Vanuatu/New Caledonia – Southern Africa – Central Africa – Kenya – Tanzania – Madagascar
3. Peter Rodney: Sri Lanka, Pakistan – India – China – Korea – Philippines – West Central Europe
4. Emili Turú: Provinces in Spain – Provinces in France – Italy – Portugal
5. Antonio Ramalho: Provinces in Brazil – Canada – Central America – Central Mexico – Western Mexico
6. Pedro Herreros: Cono Sur – Colombia – Ecuador – Venezuela – The Provinces of the United States.

The six Commissions in place to carry out our mission:
Each one will be headed by a member of the General Council.
We are in the process of determining the membership of each Commission.
1. Religious life ? Antonio Ramalho
The members of this Commission will aid in animating the religious and community life of our brothers throughout the Institute in a two-fold way. One, they will support the structures and teams set up to advance initial and ongoing formation, and, two, they will accompany individuals and communities in the process of growth to which they are invited by the first two calls of our 20th General Chapter.
2. Laity ? Pedro Herreros
The members of this Commission will promote a process of reflection throughout the Institute, with this goal in mind: to deepen our understanding of the identity of the brother and of the lay man and woman, as together we share these three areas of our life: spirituality, mission, and formation.
3. Mission ? Emili Turú
The members of this Commission will help animate and support our mission of evangelization in all the Administrative Units of the Institute, according to the charism of Marcellin Champagnat, and in keeping with the framework of the 20th General Chapter?s mandates and recommendations. The work of this Commission encompasses three broad areas: education (the school and other forms of education), youth ministry, and our mission Ad Gentes.
4. Governance ? Peter Rodney
The members of this Commission will foster the vitality of the Institute through forward-looking structures of animation and government. Therefore, they will undertake three necessary tasks: a) fostering the formation of leadership for Provinces and ministries; b) accompanying all Administrative Units through the processes of restructuring while respecting the considerable diversity of situations; and c) facilitating the ongoing review and development of governance structures within the Institute.
5. Evangelical use of goods ? Maurice Berquet
The members of this Commission will respond directly to a specific call of our 20th General Chapter by establishing a plan of discernment covering the evangelical use of material goods in the Institute, and accompanying its implementation in each administrative unit. (Cf. Choose Life, n° 48.5)
6. Vocation promotion ? Théoneste Kalisa
The members of this Commission will take up the Chapter?s call to ?Choose life? and increase the Institute?s vitality by developing new and original ways of inviting today?s young people to our way of life as Marist Brothers.




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