2019-06-11 THAILAND

Receiving support and inspiration to continue the mission

The Leaders of the 11th communities of the Marist District of Asia held their annual meeting in Bangkok, from May 26 to 28.

The gathering was a time of fraternal sharing that helps the brothers to keep alive the Marist spirit of the District presents in 8 different countries of Asia: China, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines and Sri Lanka.

Meeting together gives to the participants the opportunity to share experiences and receive support and inspiration to continue the mission. Some of the points that were shared during those days were based in the inputs received at the meeting of Provincials held in Rome some months earlier. Some aspects of the strategic plan of the General administration were shared among the superiors.

During the congregation, the Brothers were happy to see that the commitment made to go to the peripheries is on line with one of the objectives of the mission plan of the General Administration, but also to know that the new local brothers are also committed to be at the margins, join efforts with other groups, to give voice to the voiceless.

Another important aspect was the dialogue based on the reflection about the new local brothers after finishing their post novitiate stages of Formation.

We reflected in ways we should use to accompany them in different circumstances of their lives.  Finally, the proximity of the 3rd District Chapter (10-16 August) made us reflect in the preparation of this important event in the Life of our Young District.


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