2012-09-07 KENYA

Retreat – PACE Province

In the month of August, from 15th evening to 26th morning, five Brothers of the Province of Africa Central East (PACE) in preparation for perpetual profession had a on the theme "With Mary of Nazareth, we say yes with no guarantee". Everything was put in place to facilitate the contemplation: moments of silence to find inner peace and meditate the word of God, walk in the midst of people to make the experience of Mary of the Visitation, Eucharist with the community of the Foyer de Charité de Remera that had opened its doors and offered this environment so conducive to the encounter with the divine, contemplation of the beauty of nature in front of the volcanoes that border with Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo – to get an idea of Mount Sinai or Tabor, above Lake Ruhondo which recalls the Sea of Galilee, reunion with Brother Eugène Kabanguka, who by his animation, testified to the importance that the general Council attached to the preparation for perpetual profession. The retreat was prepared by two workshops in January and April. The perpetual profession will take place in September at Masonga (Tanzania) for Brother Patrick, in Kindu (R.D. Congo) for Brothers Innocent and Jules, and Byimana (Rwanda) for Brothers Crescent and Félicien. May our Good Mother continue to develop in these Brothers a spiritual in-depth, a passion for Christ and a compassion for children and young people.


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