2017-09-01 MADAGASCAR

Revitalizing charism and mission

The congregation’s future horizon indicates one of its priorities directing to the path of a new relationship between brothers and lay.  Having in mind the intention of nurturing the relationship of communion, it was proposed that  joint formation processes be experienced to achieve a deeper understanding of the distinct vocations of the brothers and the lay, and how these complement in carrying out  creative expressions of  Marist missions in the Church.

Last August 16-18, 2017, the Province of Madagascar convened brothers and lay for a Joint Formation Experience.  Coming from six towns of the country, from north to south, 22 brothers and 28 laity participated in the processes that led to achieving the goal of promoting common reflection of the discovery and living one’s distinct vocation, and communion and co-responsibility in the building up of the Marist life.  The first two-days provided a communal sharing of faith experiences, generating reflections that responded to the challenges of re-creating Marist life along the thrust of the new Chapter.  The third day was intended solely for the laity to specifically address the need to develop skills in the organization of small faith communities, particularly the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family.

The Joint Formation experience was facilitated by Agnes S. Reyes (East Asia Province Lay Animator) and Br. Sylvain Ramandimbiarisoa, FMS (Provincial). For most participants, it was an opportunity for them to know more and understand the specific vocations and call for communion to revitalize our Marist mission. Bro. Ramarolahy Flavien Modeste, FMS expressed his appreciation of the process : "I am happy in the animation of the Marist Family …I am touched by the interest of both brothers and lay for unity…"   Marie Symphorose, Lay Marist from the  School of St Peter Chanel, Ihosy, also expressed : "Being lay Marist is a vocation. I am satisfied and grateful …I am co-responsible with the brothers in fulfilling the mission in the Church …to be Mary, who bore Jesus in her womb and offered Him to others… »


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