2005-04-18 VATICAN

Saint Marcellin belongs to us all

Six years have gone by since Marcellin?s canonisation. The light and warmth of that grace-filled event continue to bless our Marist Family. I enjoy listening to men and women who want to be ?Champagnats today.? That might seem like just a trendy slogan or a shooting star springing from the excitement of the 18th April 1999.

To me, it?s something much more than that, and it continues to develop. It is showing itself in deeds rather than words. I know people who have given up promising careers to dedicate themselves to the pastoral care of souls. How can we not be amazed by the fact that Saint Marcellin is the fountain of inspiration for more and more laypeople, inspiring them to take on commitments in solidarity, do volunteer work, and care for marginalised children? How can we not be overjoyed by their choice to be in education, encouraging young people in their search for God? How can we doubt that these laypeople who are choosing to live out their Baptism in Mary?s way and Marcellin?s footsteps are truly a treasure for our Institute?

We brothers feel proud and happy to share the ?gift of Marcellin? with laypeople, but sometimes we just stand around wondering what we should do about this new and hope-filled reality. Maybe we need someone to come along and shake us up, make us shed the fears that are holding us back, and tell us what was told to the Apostles, ?Why do you stand here looking up at the sky??
Let us rejoice, because Saint Marcellin belongs to us all, especially the young!


Called to put out into the deep...


Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum...