2016-06-07 SOUTH AFRICA

Seeing new visions, dreaming new dreams

Leaders from the 5 Marist schools in South Africa met from the 25-27 May to look at the theme of ‘Regeneration – seeing new visions, dreaming new dreams’.

They were inspired both by Pope Francis’ call to ‘look at our cities with a contemplative gaze, a gaze which sees God dwelling in their homes, in their streets and squares…’ (Evangelii Gaudium; #71) as well as by Water from the Rock – ‘Sustained by the faith and example of St. Marcellin and the first Brothers, Marist spirituality urges us to move towards unexplored horizons (155)’.

As well as looking at the systemic regenerative projects in the city of Johannesburg, they also spent time reflecting on rejuvenating themselves professionally and spiritually, as leaders in education, and stewards of the Marist charism.


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